Thursday, January 28, 2010

Class with Clients

So as some of you know....I would love to take a class with you at Scott Fitness if you are needing that little push. Sometimes it can be intimidating to go to a new class and sometimes you want to go, but knowing I'll meet you there gives you that little push to actually show up.... I can change your wanting to actual doing.

Permanently on the calendar for me and (hopefully) you are 2 class on the weekend.

One, Pilates in the Crossroads at 9am on Saturday and yoga at 2pm in the Rivermarket on Sunday. Those are staples to my shcedule and I hope to see you there. I would also love to try any class with you during the week nights that my schedule allows. Just ask and I'll go.

This morning I attended 50/50 with a client of mine. She hadn't gone before so I went with her and it kicked our asses!

50/50 happens every morning at 9 am at Scott Fitness 4.0.

I'll go again. I'll go anywhere.

Just ask!

Friday, January 22, 2010

the salad bar is your friend.

You heard me.

Eat from the salad bar.

It has amazing variety that you can indulge in every day to help with your healthy eating.

Unfortunately, there are a lot of mistakes you can make at the salad bar, so let's learn about it together.

First, where to go:
If I had my choice and all the money and the time in the world I would drive to Whole Foods everyday because their salad bar is top notch.
My second choice for the KC metro area is the Brookside Market. Also in Brookside, the Price Chopper has a lovely selection.

Next, the staples...
Start with a spinach base. You need some sort of lettucy green so why not pick the best one for you. From there, you can add anything you like to the mix....carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, bell peppers, mushrooms, sprouts...

At this point in the bar is where you run into the more confusing items....Imitation crab....huh? Why would you eat that? What is it anyway? Stay away from Imitation crab, people.

Is there grilled chicken on the bar? That's a good option.

On to the jello, mayo and oil based dressings....DANGER!!
Stay clear of this section completely.

Add some fruit if you would like, strawberries are a good addition...skip the croutons and top with some Balsamic Vinegar (notice I did not say Vinaigrette).

There you have it....the perfect lunch and the perfect dinner.

Eat up!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Plan it out

What is your workout plan for the day?

Last night I was putting together a workout calendar for a client of mine and though she asked for the calendar she was resistant to plan out her workouts....but that's half the battle.
Decide what you are going to do, write it down, and then DO IT!

You plan lunch dates with friends, right? You show up to dentists appointments, right? So why wouldn't you plan what you will do each day for your workout? Write it down in your planner and then do it!

Here's my plan for Thursday.

8:30 am strength training class
12:00 Zumba


Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Bike on a Stand at SF 4.0

Class the last couple of weeks has been packed! So John Scott decided to add another class to the mix. So now there is a Bike on a Stand class at 6pm and one at 7pm. Oh my!

This will hopefully accommodate all the people that want to do this class.

I will be teaching the 6pm class and will continue to do the 30 minute strength workout following the class at 7pm.

John Scott will be teaching the 7pm class.

What better way to workout than with a group of people. Seriously. I think you will find yourself more competitive and you will get a better workout compared to running along on the treadmill by yourself.

I'll push you harder than you push yourself. I promise!


Please come!

Sunday, January 17, 2010


So along with the Saturday morning Pilates class, I decided to add another class to the mix and encouraged my clients to come with me....hoping they would be motivated to add something new into their fitness routine. Sunday Yoga at SF 2.5.

Well this afternoon's yoga class was full of people, but only one of them was a client of mine. Where was everyone else? hmmm?

Let me say, this class is hard! There are some difficult poses but it is taught in a way that is very encouraging and not intimidating. The teacher is so great and encourages newbies to rest as often as they need to....but he also pushes you to try your hardest.

The class starts with breathing techniques and then jumps right into sun salutations, flexibility and balance moves and ends with some floor work and then...1.5 hours later I felt more relaxed and looser than I felt when I walked in.

I thought 1.5 hours would feel like a long time, but I never felt bored and all that time allowed me to loosen up more and more as the class went on....allowing for deeper stretching.

I will definitely go back , and I hope next time, you go with me!

Here are the details:
Sunday at 2pm at SF 2.5

One last thought: I think Yoga can be intimidating to some people. It's intimidating to me! What I try and remember, because I know I am not going to take every pose to its ultimate posture, is that whatever I can do, I should try and do it my best. I am not going to be the best in the class, but I will leave feeling more limber and flexible....and that's the point.

Come with me next week....please.


Saturday, January 9, 2010

So Far So Good

Well making it to Saturday Pilates has been a success two weeks in a row.

Last week I was joined by 3 of my clients and today....I had 2 friends in class.

I hope more of you start coming.

The class is oh so challenging but very doable.
The instructor does a great job of providing modifications and also telling the class how many reps are left of a certain exercise.
Personally, knowing that I only have 5 more of something makes me push to the end rather than give up. It's a great motivator.

Last week my back and arms and shoulders and abs and hips/buns were sore. This week I am anticipating the same. I am no pro at this class so knowing I have improvements to make and poses I would like to do better is encouraging and has me wanting to go back every week.

Next week it's the same deal.

Scott Fitness 3.0
2020 Washington
Saturday morning at 9am.

I would love to see you there.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Of Course

Well....It's January 1.

Of course we'll be talking about New Year's Resolutions.

Have you made yours yet?

Here are some of mine:

1. Attend more classes at Scott Fitness with my clients so we can all incorporate new activities into our routine. (This Saturday, we're meeting at a Pilates class at SF 3.0. Won't you join us?)

2. Stop using plastic bags. I am pretty good at this one already, but have forgotten my reusable bag a few times...I will try to forget no more!

3. Drink more water. Always.

4. Do at least 30 minutes of exercise EVERYDAY. I do take one to two days off a week...but with my new Roku box (I'll explain later), there is no reason to not do something.

5. Blog more. aha!

That's the list for now. If you are like me, then your list is constantly changing and growing as the year progresses.

Here's to a happy and healthy 2010!