Thursday, April 22, 2010

I think I can I think I can...

Well. Unfortunately, I missed my workout yesterday.

I was all set to start a new boot camp in the park at noon. Well, I drove to the plaza (annoying), found a place to park (annoying) and walked to the meeting site only to find out that it was cancelled for the day (ANNOYING!).

So I lost all motivation for the day, went to Sutherlands and bought supplies for the yard and did some yard work for a couple hours. I am not saying the whole day was a waste. It wasn't at all. I was active and even took a 30 minute walk with a client in the morning.

However, I wanted to get a good ass kicking and I was sad that it was cancelled.
I am not much of a fan of unreliability.
Translation: I might not go back to the boot camp a second time.

So today I feel unmotivated to workout, but I will attempt a challenge.
My first challenge: a 3 mile run, which I hope will turn into a 5 mile run.


Then, a weight lifting class at the YMCA tonight.

I am in class tonight for 4 hours. ugh.

Which means the rest of my day will be spent nose in book.

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