Thursday, November 24, 2011

Holiday 100

I'm a personal trainer. It's my job. I chose this career because I like to workout. I am also a pretty regular person, so sometimes I don't like to workout.
I like to watch reality TV, just like the rest of you.
I like to eat crap sometimes, just like the rest of you.
Sometimes it feels good to not workout.
Sometimes it feels pretty great actually.

For the last few weeks, my workouts have been pretty sparse. With the cold weather and the darkness, my body just wants to hang out in pajamas any chance it gets. Now, I have worked out a little bit, probably averaging 2 hours a week-definitely not what I'm used to.

Recently I saw the Holiday 100 on Daily Mile and became re-motivated. (I do very well with goals).
The goal is to run 100 miles between Thanksgiving and Christmas. It averages to around 3.2 miles a day.

Today was day one. I ran 3 miles in 32 minutes and 11 seconds which is definitely not my all time best pace, but it's day one, right? My lungs were tight (I've been battling a cold/allergies for months), but my legs felt great and I felt happy knowing I was working toward a goal - and just working out again period.

I know I won't run everyday (tomorrow), but I know I'm going to get to 100 miles by Christmas. I feel excited and revived by my new goal.

I also feel a little red in the face and sweaty.

Are you participating in the Holiday 100 or do you have other holiday fitness goals?

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