Saturday, August 1, 2009

The Buddy System!

Staying on track with a regular exercise program can be a challenge, especially if you're on your own. Consider finding an exercise buddy to help keep you on track and accountable. Accountability is the key for success.

Find a buddy or be a buddy...

This is my running buddy and me running the Rock and Roll Arizona Marathon in January 2008. We just started running together again after a 9 month hiatus. She really pushes me to work harder and be a better runner, whether she knows it or not. (I bet she doesn't know it). Her email a couple weeks ago about running together again was a pleasant surprise. So we started off with short distances....4 miles last Saturday and almost 5 today.

I even almost cancelled today, citing rain as an excuse, but then the rain stopped and I couldn't use that as an excuse anymore....and we had it planned and she was counting on me to run and I knew I showed up.

Today's run was a struggle with more hills, (a ton more hills) but I did it (even though I did have to ask her to slow down a couple of times). And not even knowing it, she pushed me to run faster and longer because I was not going to stop, even when it was hard she kept me going because she kept going. Thanks, buddy.

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