Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Lisa Garrity's Max Burn FX || Review

This weekend I attended Lisa Garrity's Max Burn FX sponsored by Excel Wellness Studio.

This was a 4 hour course geared toward helping clients to get the most out of their exercise session so that they get the most after their session.

She encouraged us to get our clients into the anaerobic zone which is a higher working zone than the cardio zone. This anaerobic zone can only be maintained for about 30-90 seconds, but getting there helps to increase calorie burn during the session and after as well.
Read: elevated calorie burn for up to 10 hours after your workout!

We, of course, did the workout and it was a challenge. She does most things on time instead of reps. So instead of counting reps we did exercises for 30 or 60 seconds, and we didn't just do simple exercises, she was big on compound movements. No standing and doing biceps curls, she added a lower body movement to everything. Step ups with an overhead press, plie squats with biceps curls, squats with rotation, etc...this class was full of movement.

She was high energy, she moved fast, she talked faster and she kept us engaged the entire time. I could not write half the information down that she was saying, but I tried!

I'm so happy I took the class. First, i learned a lot, but also, revisiting education and thinking about new exercises and new workout techniques gets me re-energized for work. I do have to fulfill certain requirements for my certifications, but my goal is to go above and beyond the requirements because I love what I get out of it.

Be sure to take one of Lisa Garrity's courses if you get a chance and check out the other opportunities that Excel offers.

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