Thursday, July 8, 2010


I passed I passed I passed....well I haven't talked about it much, if any, on here, but I was studying for my ACE personal trainer certification for, oh I don't know, the past year.
Do you think a post about how I studied all day would have been interesting?
me neither...

Let me take you back for a moment; I bought the material last fall and studied on my own for a few months and then put off taking the test.
Then I took a 10 week course that began April 1, 2010 and then I studied even more on my own and then this morning I woke up marched in and passed the test....
or maybe a little more like, I woke up too early, (read 5 am) left the house one hour before test time, got lost on the way to the testing center, finally found the building and walked into the room and ...the passed the test....less authoritative, more nervous.

I was asked today why I got another certification (because I can't charge people at Scott Fitness more money) and here are my answers...

1. To continue growing and learning in this field.
2. To have a more nationally recognized certification

I guess just those 2 reasons for now....mostly to learn more...and I did. I learned a ton and studied a ton (maybe too much)....

I am so glad it's over!!

ACE Certified Personal Trainer!

That's me!

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